Why A Website?

A business succeeds or fails in direct proportion to the number of people it reaches and serves. A business lacking the communication channels critical to reaching a relevant audience quickly, consistently and meaningfully stands little hope of surviving in today's digital marketplace. Whether we're selling fruit, transporting machinery or providing any other good or service, we find ourselves increasingly at the mercy of a digital age and we ignore its potential benefits at our own disadvantage and perhaps our ultimate peril.

In our continued commitment to helping our clients achieve their greatest personal and professional potential, The Lee Agency has carefully sought out the website development group that we believe possesses the technical competence, marketing expertise and artistic instinct necessary to provide world-class online representation to any business in any culture at any location with access to Internet service. At the present time this online marketplace includes a mind-boggling percentage of the human population and is well on its way to becoming the central venue for nearly all commercial and personal promotion and exchange.

This may sound irrelevant and perhaps even laughable to those serving local markets predominantly, but a service or goods provider in Kansas might as well be located in Zimbabwe if its patrons rely on Internet commerce or even Internet "browsing" to define their wholesale and retail options--as so many consumers and businesses now do. Being the closest no longer guarantees a customer's loyalty. Customers now use the Internet to seek out the businesses equipped to serve them best and geography has become an almost irrelevant consideration.

A business today will simply not survive unless it is readily trusted by--and accessible to--the markets it serves. In the ever-growing global marketplace, a well-designed, informative website fosters both trust and accessibility while providing around-the-clock market exposure and consistent, reliable customer service. Unlike traditional advertising forms, a website appears to your customers and potential customers when THEY want to be reached and when THEY are LOOKING for what you have to offer.

For better or worse, the Internet has become the dominant messenger of our time and so any message worth delivering MUST be accessible to the online world. As print, broadcast and even closed-circuit media consistently give way to this fierce and unrelenting information highway, those wishing to succeed or even survive must come to terms with the Internet's now unshakable dominance as the unrivaled medium for marketplace affectation and social interaction and change. We can help you make this critical transition and in so doing help you maximize your personal and professional potential.